About Me

Hey! I'm Tim. I really like turtles. They are COOL. I wish i could eat turtles. They are so good and its a way to communicate with others on a technical level. What ever happened to the i like turtles kid? he was funny and annoying. he was a meme. And I learned it all at Turtles.org where they build your self-esteem and keep you motivated. Join me in this rewarding journey, Remember you get free yummy turtles. You'll have fun, eat stuff, and learn along the way!

I also like biigggggg turtles and then i like big owls and big trains and big monsters and stuff. so ill just keep typing so you think im writing another paragraph so ill just keep writing and stuff. i like cars and turtles again and more cars and ships and boats and food so much fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddd because i like food:) I also like horses and i love eating them too. so yeah.

"Declare variables, not war"